Local List: The Quay, Wivenhoe (the waterfront) (DCC26060)

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Grade Group/Vista
Authority Wivenhoe Townscape Forum
Date assigned
Date last amended


The quay (the waterfront) forms the southern boundary of the town stretching from the present day Smugglers Wharf in the west to The Folly in the east. In the post-mediaeval period Wivenhoe served as an entrepôt for Colchester and it is possible that it served the same function in the mediaeval period. The fishing industry would also have played a major role in the economic life of the town. It is probable that the mediaeval buildings facing on to the quay included warehousing and fish-processing facilities, whilst there may also have been boat building yard on the quay itself. The quay is recorded as MCC5045 in the Historic Environment Record. ERO holds a number of records relating to the quay from the 17th century onward. One of the earliest relates to the attempts to prevent a packet boat off-loading passengers on the quay for fear they might be carrying the plague, Q/SR 406/104 dated 4 August 1665. See also D/DHt T486 dated 1799 Medlycott, M., Wivenhoe Historic Town Assessment Report (1999)

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Sources (1)

  • Heritage Statement: Wivenhoe Townscape Forum. 2012. Wivenhoe Townscape Forum Local List Recording Sheet Area F, The Quay, Wivenhoe (the waterfront).


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Grid reference Centred TM 0388 2143 (97m by 36m)
Map sheet TM02SW
County ESSEX

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 10 2019 11:34AM

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