Listed Building: BOXTED HALL (416138)

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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 986, 3, 76
Date assigned 27 January 1982
Date last amended


BOXTED BURNT DICK HILL 1. 5214 Boxted Hall TL 93 SE 3/76 II 2. C17 and later house, of H-plan, extended south and now with 2 paralled hall-ranges. Crosswings aligned approximately north-south. North elevation roughcast with projecting wings left and right, roofs ridged and hipped, peg-tiled with eaves and troughing. One red brick chimneystack central and behind ridge, and one flanking each wing. The central range has 2 window range of hornless sashes in exposed boxes and with glazing bars and each wing has one to match on first storey. The ground storey has glazed front door in second bay from left. Left of door one window and right of door 2 windows all tripartite sashes and all under lead-clad pediments. West elevation has a range of 3 hornless sashes in exposed boxes on first storey with small panes. Its ground storey has similar sashes, and modern alterations and extensions south and south-west. South elevation now has 2 projecting one bay extensions to crosswings with hipped and peg-tiled roofs with eaves. The range between the wings has a row of 4 sashes under gauged segmental heads small pane, hornless. Walls red brick in Flemish-bond. Ground storey windows match those on first. Matching windows also exist in the south-east wing-end. Modern windows in southwest wing. Inside: an early C19 stair with mahogany handrail on square iron balusters, with bracketted tread-ends. Also many wide doorcases, and some egg and dart cornicing in re-used position. The roofs incorporate re-used and soot caked medieval rafters, the roof to the west wing is the oldest. Listing NGR: TL9937433161

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Grid reference TL 9937 3316 (point)
Map sheet TL93SE

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Record last edited

Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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