Listed Building: OLD HALL FARMHOUSE (420498)

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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 986, 3, 16
Date assigned 07 April 1965
Date last amended


LITTLE HORKESLEY SCHOOL ROAD 1. 5214 Old Hall Farmhouse TL 93 SE 3/16 7.4.65 II GV 2. C16 and probably earlier. A mediaeval complex aligned cast to west and of many dates of build. H-plan with structural height change at cast end of hall range. All of 2 storeys, timber-framed and plastered, ridged roof peg-tiled. Mixed modern casements and door on north elevation. Build to west extended by a north lean to (or aisle) with red brick wall in Flemish bond, painted. To north, stairs tower of full heigth, plastered. Complex 4 shaft chimneys. Stair within tower has plain Doric balusters. South front, has wide caves and 2 hipped dormers each with 2, 15-pane leaded casements. Circa 1700 first storey has a range of 5, sashes with glazing bars and exposed boxes. Door at east end flat hooded with no brackets. Range of 4 circa 1900 casements of wood, brick arches over with sliders at top and base. Listing NGR: TL9598631961

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Grid reference TL 9598 3196 (point)
Map sheet TL93SE
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Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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