Listed Building: VIRGINIA COTTAGE (421396)

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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 986, 8, 36
Date assigned 24 June 1975
Date last amended


WEST BERGHOLT LEXDEN ROAD 1. 5214 Nos 10 and 12 (Virginia Cottage) TL 92 NE 8/36 24.6.75. II 2. C17 T-plan house, timber framed and rendered. Two storeys with ridge and gable, roof pegtiled. Central red brick chimney (L-plan). C18 stucco doorcase left, pair of casements right of it and a set of 3 casements on the first storey - description to this point is of the wing facade. The stem range has ridge and gable roof pegtiled. Central porch with round headed doorway. Window left and right each with 2 mullions and one transom, the casements square headed. Two casements above these on first storey. Eaves and troughing. Single storeyed pegtiled, ridged and gabled extension on right. Listing NGR: TL9589128192

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Grid reference TL 9589 2819 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE
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Record last edited

Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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