Listed Building: WILLOW MEADE (421990)

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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 986, 1, 16
Date assigned 11 November 1988
Date last amended


In the entry for: WAKES COLNE LOWER GREEN TL 83 SE (north side) 1/16 Lyntons the address shall be amended to read: TL 83 SE WAKES COLNE LOWER GREEN (north side) 1/16 Willow Meade (formerly known as 'Lyntons') 11.11.88 This building was added to the list as the 20th Amendment, dated 11 Novenber 1988 THE FOLLOWING ITEM SHALL BE ADDED: WAKES COLNE LOWER GREEN 1. 5214 ( north side) Lyntons TL 83 SE 1/16 II 2. House. Late medieval; remodelled and outshut to right added in late C16/ early C17. Render over timber frame; hipped thatch roof; C20 brick ridge stack and left end stack. Late medieval house of open hall plan with entry to left and flanked by cross wings; chimneystack and first floors inserted late C16/ early C17. One storey and attic; 4-window range. C20 gabled porch and door to left of centre. Flat rendered arches over C20 casements; gabled dormer to centre.C20 door and similar casements to rear.Interior: exposed timber framing. Curved tension braces and late medieval window with two diamond millions to first - floor room on right; room below has open fireplace with chamfered bressummer and C17 outshut added to right. Hall range has common - rafter roof and plain joiststenoned to chamfered beam. Wing to left, formerly gabled and now hipped to front, has late medieval studded screens partition beneath inserted late C16/early C17 floor frame with stop - chamfered beam and joists. Listing NGR: TL8947130154

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Grid reference TL 8947 3015 (point)
Map sheet TL83SE

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Record last edited

Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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